Friday, April 20, 2012

Sticking Out And a Cloudy Day In the Desert

Photo 11 (April 15th, 2012)
        For this week, I focused on several different ideas. The first was sticking out and being yourself. With photo 11, I was at Ikea and I noticed all of the green colored brushes and how there was one blue brush. I want this photo to represent being yourself, even if your different. To me, diversity is a huge part of life that we must all respect. Not everybody is the same, and we should value this. Without diversity, our world would be plain and not colorful. 

        As for photo 12, I was simply capturing the cloud cover in the desert by my house. Living in the desert, it pretty much never rains and is always sunny. It is nice, but at the same time, I do miss having rain. When I noticed it was cloudy, I just had to take a photograph and I love how the clouds take up the whole sky. Even though it is not rain, I was still happy to see that the sunlight was covered up. For both photographs, I used my Canon Rebel XTi Camera.  

Photo 12 (April 15th, 2012)

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