Thursday, June 7, 2012


Spirals (2012)
 For these photographs, I noticed the patterns of circles, ovals, and other circular shapes. I was hoping to show how the normal perception of circles can be altered. For my first photograph, I liked how colorful it was and how many different shapes there is. for my other photograph, I liked how many different types of circles there are, and how they are all different sizes. Light also, once again, plays a major part of this photograph. With the light, this object is seen as shinny and dull. In reality, this is the inside of a washing machine. The light tricked the viewers into believing this is really a shinny metal, but the truth is it is not. It is simply a washing machine.
Circular Shine (2011)

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Washington D.C/Virginia

These are photographs I recently found on my computer. I took these in 2009-10. I was in Washington D.C., where I took the first photograph. I was in the Capital and I was just amazed by all the details everything had. I also loved the colors, it felt so homey. For my other photograph I was in Virginia, on my way to visit Thomas Jefferson's home. I stopped at this little place, where the architecture was older and they had a little pub. They sold the best fried chicken and southern food, I have ever had. I really enjoyed this trip and this was when I began to get into photography. These may be older photos, but I still enjoy them.

Friday, June 1, 2012


A Look into the Trees (2011)
For these photographs I wanted to highlight lines and their appearance in everyday life. To me, I find it amazing how such complex things are made from simple shapes and lines. Everything to me has either details we too often ignore or never notice. One of the reasons why I love photography is it allows a person to capture the unthinkable. For my trees building photograph, I felt it looked like a ship's front. I also felt it was a good illusion, because it looks like it is coming towards the viewer, but at the same time, it looks like the building is really falling back into the building itself. The lines in this photography really pop out and they take on a personality of their own.
Steps to Nowhere (2011)

As for my Steps photo, I wanted to show how something as simple as a staircase can be complex. Every angle, line, shape and part of the staircase has importance. I also wanted to show how confusing things can be if they are shown only in parts. Where are these stairs going? Anywhere? These are questions that can never be answered based off of this photograph.

Night Time

Space Voyagers (2011)
One of my favorite photo-shoots of year: night photography. Looking back, this photo-shoot taught me the most about my camera. Up to this point, I did not realize all the great features and settings it has. Also it showed me how simple these types of photo-shoots are. I like to photograph at all times of the day, however, night photography, to me, produces some of the coolest photos. With the dark sky, a contrast between lights is now apparent. I wanted to display how man made objects like light rails or fountains really look alien or foreign in nature.      

Splash Of Life (2011)